Euchre — Eu chre, n. [Perh. from F. [ e]cart[ e].] A game at cards, that may be played by two, three, or four persons, the highest card (except when an extra card called the Joker is used) being the knave of the same suit as the trump, and called right… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Euchre — Eu chre, v. t. 1. To defeat, in a game of euchre, the side that named the trump. [1913 Webster] 2. To defeat or foil thoroughly in any scheme. [Slang.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
euchre — ☆ euchre [yo͞o′kər ] n. [earlier also yuker, uker < ?] 1. a card game basically for two, three, or four players, played with thirty two cards (sevens up through aces), five cards being dealt to each player 2. a euchring or being euchred vt.… … English World dictionary
Euchre — Euchre, Kartenspiel, s. Bridge … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
euchre — [økʀ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1901, in Nouveau Larousse illustré; mot angl., d orig. inconnue. ❖ ♦ Rare. Jeu de cartes semblable à l écarté … Encyclopédie Universelle
euchre — card game, 1846, American English, of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
Euchre — Failure of the maker to win the number of tricks he contracted for … The official rules of card games glossary
Euchre — Infobox CardGame title = Euchre subtitle = image link = image caption = A five card Euchre hand holding the five highest cards in sequence (from lowest to highest, left to right), assuming spades is the trump suit. alt names = type = trick taking … Wikipedia
Euchre — Sechsthöchste bis zweithöchste Karte (von links) bei Euchre für den Fall, dass Pik Trumpf ist Euchre ist ein Kartenspiel für 2 bis 6 Personen, das eine Abwandlung des Ecarté darstellt. In der Regel wird es zu viert gespielt. In England und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
euchre — /yooh keuhr/, n., v., euchred, euchring. n. 1. Cards. a game played by two, three, or four persons, usually with the 32, but sometimes with the 28 or 24, highest cards in the pack. 2. an instance of euchring or being euchred. v.t. 3. to get the… … Universalium
euchre — I. noun Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1841 a card game in which each player is dealt five cards and the player making trump must take three tricks to win a hand II. transitive verb (euchred; euchring) Date: 1847 1. to prevent from winning three … New Collegiate Dictionary